
Awful Right Wing Twitter Troll Todd Kincannon Arrested for Domestic Violence

BeachDem4/06/2015 7:08:17 pm PDT

In a way, Todd Kincannon was what led me to regularly read Little Green Footballs (so you can either be happy or have yet another reason to curse his very name!)

I was writing a post elsewhere in early 2013 about False Equivalency and the Right Wing.

(Opening line--Just as an introduction: an apple is NOT an orange—nor is it a Porterhouse steak or a porkchop.)

Went on to discuss their ridiculous comparisons of themselves and civil rights leaders (sigh—some things never change)

(Middle section—You are NOT Rosa Parks. You are NOT Martin Luther King, Jr. You are NOT being lynched. You are NOT having fire hoses turned on you for having the audacity to want to go to school. You are NOT having your head bashed in for walking on a bridge. You are NOT being set upon by attack dogs for peacefully marching. Nor are you being kidnapped and murdered for advancing your ideas.

Your gun fetishists and hate-mongering fundamentalists bear no resemblance to the people who were (and, in many cases, still are) fighting to be treated as equal human beings.

Then I got to their then new TWITTER GULAG insanity, and Todd’s setting up the TGDN—Twitter Gulag Defense Network (I mean, seriously, could they be any more ridiculous).

(Section on TGDN idiocy—They seem to mostly blame Charles Johnson of Little Green Footballs (they “gathered intel” and everything!) for this dastardly plot, although it appears to me that Charles spends most of his time laughing at them.

And speaking of lowlife grifters, Mr. Kincannon was/is as bad as the Ginger Avenger:

First he tried to collect money to hire a Twitter Assistant, because he couldn’t keep up with all the work (I am NOT making this up) Then, apparently when his need for an assistant didn’t prompt sufficient contributions, he claimed that someone has gone to the Columbia, SC police department to try to have him arrested and that they “swatted” his old office address or something.

So then he started looking for donations to his legal defense fund—sound familiar?

Todd Kincannon @ToddKincannon
The Left is trying to have me arrested over#TGDN. I cannot represent myself. Please contribute to #TGDN legal defense:

11:30 AM - 30 Jan 13

Just a quick stroll down memory lane…