
An Awesome Video From the Milk Carton Kids: "Poison Tree"

Dark_Falcon5/23/2015 7:33:01 pm PDT

re: #28 HappyWarrior

Wayne D something right? The most laughable thing is many hardcore cons actually think Huckabee is a RINO or even a liberal. Sorry cons, he’s all yours.

There are three knocks on Huckabee that were commonly heard from the right prior to the breakout of Duggargate (since it involves a coverup, the Watergate reference works better here than on most scandals):

1. His pardon of a man who committed mass murder. That makes lots of people question his judgement.

2. His working with Michelle Obama at times and his refusing to criticize her “Let’s Move, America!” initiative. This was a case of Huckabee actually doing the right thing but getting hated on by those who believe that Barack and Michelle Obama can do not right and must be opposed on everything.

3. His raising taxes as governor of Arkansas coupled with his willingness to increase social spending. The latter worries people who think Huckabee is too friendly to the ‘welfare state’ (in quotes because the meaning of that term is variable), while the former cuts against established party dogma.