
France Says "Non!" to the Far Right, Overwhelmingly Rejects Marine Le Pen for Emmanuel Macron

weststpaulbear5/07/2017 12:05:56 pm PDT

Way OT:

In September of 1981, Twin Tone Records in Minneapolis sponsored a week’s worth of local bands at 7th Street Entry (a small room next to First Avenue) and recorded all of the gigs. The band I was in was part of that. Some of the music, especially The Replacements and Husker Du, showed up on YouTube, but most of the stuff had been unreleased until a couple days ago. One of the videos that they just released was our entire set. Wow.

I cringe a bit when I watch it. We’re extremely 1980, very angst-y, and I’d like to have a do-over on a lot of my playing, but it is also cool to have this stuff released. The band put out a couple records (I’m only on one of them) that have never appeared on CD, so this is basically the only digital record available.

If you go to the twintonedigital homepage, there are other sets there too so you can get an idea of what the Minneapolis (non-funk) scene sounded like in 1981.

Fine Art - live at the 7th Street Entry (1981)