
Bad Lip Reading Does "BIDEN 2020" [VIDEO]

KGxvi10/18/2019 12:13:53 pm PDT

re: #61 Blind Frog Belly White

I think the whole G7/Doral thing is not a miscalculation on Trump’s part, or even necessarily an attempt to get as much out of the USG as he can before he leaves, but rather a giant “Fuck You!” to his opposition, and a further humiliation to show his followers who’s boss. Trump’s all about dominance, and by doing something SO BLATANT and forcing his followers to accept it, he’s showing them that he’s the one on top.

Which is all the more reason it needs to be an article of impeachment. I think there should be several emoluments clause articles*, but we can narrowly tailor this one to go along with the abuse of office/power article relating to pressuring Ukraine, and the obstruction of Congress articles.

*Personally, I think there should be 2 dozen articles of impeachment to address each and every one of his abuses. But that’s just me.