
The Bob Cesca Podcast: The Gospel of the Fuhrer

sagehen7/15/2021 2:52:55 pm PDT

re: #59 danarchy

I don’t get the Jan 6 comparisons. There are literally hundreds of people in jail and have been for months. I haven’t read the story, I doubt this rep should have been arrested or detained and am guessing probably not, but I am sure she will be home by dinnertime.

They didn’t arrest many people on Jan 6 because the cops had just spent HOURS fighting for their lives. 140 of them were injured. Even if they’d had the personnel to arrest everyone and search them and evidence-tag the weapons, there weren’t enough cop cars to transport them or enough room in the jails to put them.

What there was, was thousands of hours of video and thousands of social media posts for when they got around to investigating later (later meaning, when there was a new president who wouldn’t pardon any of them.)