
New Oklahoma Abortion Bill Challenged

HoosierHoops10/08/2009 4:16:15 pm PDT

re: #28 Sharmuta

The correlation of this to fundamentalist islam is striking. All that’s missing is a burqa.

This topic for me is shattering.. It’s hard to even face personally..
I have always believed in woman’s rights and I will at all times support them..
I, as a conservative I support getting the Gov’t out of bedrooms and Doctors offices..period.
I was adopted..I wasn’t wanted..I could have been just as easlity medical waste and some one posting here…I was one wisk of a moment away from eternal darkness…Every day I awake I count my lucky stars and live life with all my might and soul…There is always a song deep in my heart…
I am the luckiest man in the world…