
World Meteorological Organization and NOAA: 2000-2009 is the Hottest Decade on Record

Bagua12/08/2009 1:45:03 pm PST

re: #49 Walter L. Newton

I don’t know about trends. I just assumed that we have had global warming (or cooling). How could one part of the planet warm enough to cause massive glaciers to melt in one place, and 6 thousand miles away, the temperature is doing something just the opposite.

I know know the answer, that’s why I asked. Are you telling me there is data about a warming trend in the Himalayas and data about a cooling trend in North America?

Why is it when I ask an question about any of the AGW stuff, I get a lot of defensive replies?

Walter, it is definitely possible to have warming in one region and cooling in others. Much of this has to do with thermodynamics in the Ocean. For example, Global Warming could result in cooling in Europe should it shutdown or slowdown of the thermohaline circulation.