
Obama's Copenhagen Speech

Jaerik12/18/2009 11:07:07 am PST

I really don’t see how these international agreements are gunna work. It’s just not in most of the world’s best interests to alter their current fossil fuel-driven growth plans.

America’s gunna have to lead on this, even if nobody else comes with us. We have to prove, with our technology and our ingenuity, that renewable energy can’t just substitute for fossil fuels, but actually be better. And figure out how to make it happen as an economic net Win for ourselves.

We’ve done it before. Industrial revolution, etc. I have faith that America can still do it. But as long as we have a sizable group of anti-science self-interested douchebags holding the debate back at whether or not there even is a problem, our ingenuity and creativity as a country can’t be turned towards what to do about it.