
Above It

RogueOne1/02/2010 6:02:01 am PST

Six if you’re actually around check this out:

A guy in Chattanooga died last month after getting tased 3 times. The police said he got combative so they had to use the taser. A witness says differently:

The witness says she saw Buckner fall to his knees and the woman holding him began asking him, “Why are you doing this?”

The witness says Buckner appeared weak, as though he was having trouble standing.

While Buckner was on the ground, staff brought out a wheelchair. But the witness says they couldn’t lift Buckner into the chair. That’s when Erlanger Police came out.

If you buy the official autopsy, which concluded he died of natural causes due to pulmonary embolism (and the tasering had nothing to do with it), her statement fits. Meaning, the guy was in the process of dying and they tased him 3 times. That is so screwed up.