
Mubarak Statement Expected Soon

Fozzie Bear2/10/2011 12:39:04 pm PST

re: #38 EmmmieG

How can you be so cruel? Don’t you know he and his children are ENTITLED to gold-plated toothbrushes?

(Okay, I made that up, but the Sultan of something who was deposed did have a gold-plated toilet brush. Not sure why this would clean better.)

If you are the leader of a country, and have a gold-plated toilet brush, and there is so much as a single person in your country who can’t find a good job with full benefits, then i’m sorry to say, but a bullet to the head is too kind.

That kind of shit is over the top. If you use an object made out of enough precious metal to feed a family for years to clean your toilet, you don’t deserve to breathe the same air as the people who support your opulence. You deserve a slow death.