
Bachmann Dives Into the Gutter

Ziggy_TARDIS2/22/2011 10:48:39 am PST

re: #53 marjoriemoon

Sorry it took me so long to write a response in the last thread. Here it is again:

I tend to be very liberal when it comes more issues than not. I generally believe we should become more Scandinavian in governmental practices, and have a larger social safety, and raise taxes so we do not have to borrow as much. The countries I want us to emulate the most, Sweden and Finland, have very low debt loads.

However, I do see the military as being a reasonable tool to stop these sorts of actions. Our wars in Bosnia and Kosovo are some the moments I’m most proud of in our history. So, right now, I come off as a war-monger, and I’ll admit it.