
Tea Party Turns on John Boehner

researchok3/03/2011 11:03:17 am PST

re: #58 jamesfirecat

The problem is that Obama care isn’t some abstract immoral thing that other people are doing, if Obmacare works the way its intended it will help a lot of people, I think the GOP is afraid that the more people experience Obamacare the more they’ll like it just like Social Security and Medicare…

You make a very valid point. If Obama care works as intended it will be regarded as keystone event in American history.

That said, there remain the issues of how to pay for it and the best way to implement the program. Those are my concerns.

I like the idea of universal health care, but I do wish it would be phased in, over time. That way, any kinks and unforeseen problems could be addressed and worked out and how to pay for it all wouldn’t be a crap shoot.