
Glenn Beck's 'The Blaze' Readers Spew Hatred and Racism at Michelle Obama

The Spite House7/13/2012 12:29:42 pm PDT

re: #61 palomino

Maybe Mitt can put the issue to rest in tonight’s interviews with clear explanations. But I kind of doubt it. What’s he gonna say? That the “bad” stuff Bain (the company he started and staffed) did all happened after he left in 1999? That sounds risky, throwing your own company under the bus.

Or will he try to defend everything Bain did even after 99 because of his close relationship with the company. That’s a tough sell too.

My guess is that he won’t really answer the questions. Instead he’ll recite a list of talking points and use diversionary tactics, despite the fact he’s the one who suddenly agreed to these interviews to deal with the Bain issue.

He’ll repeat, ad nauseum, that he had nothing to do with the company after ‘99. I seriously doubt he’ll go so far that he actually condemns what they did, though.