
Onion Talks: Delicious Pie and the Value of Patience

ausador12/01/2012 6:36:25 pm PST

re: #50 Charles Johnson

Seems to me that if some of the real criminals behind Europe’s debt crisis were ever brought to justice and made to pay what they really owe, there wouldn’t be any crisis.

But, but, that would be Socialism! The re-distribution of wealth that was properly gained through market manipulation! Don’t you know that when a country is on the ropes and cannot pay the debt it already owes that the best thing to do is loan them even more and raise the interest rates on that debt to above 18%? This isn’t a scheme to line our own pockets even more, no, don’t be silly, it is to teach them…err…responsibility!

Meanwhile the Neo-Nazi facist Golden Dawn gains strength and writes articles about seizing power, declaring independence from the European Union, followed by the ethnic cleansing of Greece, and requesting Nuclear missiles from Russia to point at Europe to make them back down from contesting the coming regime change.
