
Freak-Out of the Day

Walter L. Newton9/02/2009 1:53:46 pm PDT

re: #628 Ziggy

Addressing students to work hard and stay in school is one thing - I have no problem with that, but having students write letters about how they can help the President? WTF? It’s not my children’s job to help the President. Help the country - absolutely, but help him personally - no way. And he’ll be telling them why it’s important for them to listen to their elected leaders? I bet you his reason for listening to politicians is totally different than my reason for listening to them. Personally, I would love to watch this with my kids, but apparently my kid’s school says that’s not possible. I wonder why? This is in no way similar to addressing students about saying no to drugs or reading books to elementary school kids. I find it creepy. I would much rather my kids spend the day learning something academic.

You’re not helping these little one become loyal comrades, bad you.