
New Info from CRU Hacking Investigation

idioma2/15/2010 11:12:55 am PST

re: #639 Charles

It’s an absolutely accurate description. This whole ridiculous nonsensical “scandal” is a trumped up mess of nothing, deliberately concocted by the denial industry to discredit the Copenhagen climate summit. It’s a completely bogus distraction that tells us nothing at all about the state of climate science.

I think the CRU emails actually help the case of AGW as a valid science. With all of the emails that were leaked there really wasn’t anything close to a “smoking gun”. The best they could find was someone using the word “trick” - even though it is common among engineers, scientists, mathematicians, and the like. There was no conspiracy unleashed by these emails. No evidence of a huge cover up. Just a couple of points where scientists talk about problems with the data, proof that they don’t blindly believe, but instead challenge their own conclusions for due diligence.