
Presidential Debate 2: The Wrap-Up

ObserverArt10/10/2016 9:53:22 am PDT

re: #515 freetoken

I know this is sounding like an early morning rant by an old curmudgeon, but I am not very confident that the Democratic leadership is really up to the job we face.

You know what it sounds like to me. It sounds like you are giving up before anything is even settled. Also you are seeing everything through your age and the experiences that folks our age have gone through and allowed. I can see how that can happen.

It may be that way, but it does not need to remain that way.

There is eventually going to be a time when enough citizens in this country grow tired of how their government is being run. I think we are very near that time. I think it is all stuck between two generations. Eventually the elders are going to lose control by the numbers and much of the Republican party is going to go with them. That could break the logjam as much as anything. Hopefully it also breaks the thinking in the Democratic party that created the “we will just lose again” attitude. I am not denying it exists, I am saying it has to change.

Then all the younger people that are clamoring for big change will get their chance with their politicians. You can see and feel it coming.

My hope is that Hillary senses it too and starts things down that road by using the younger people and women, two groups that will play a big role in this election. And if she is smart, she will make everyone very aware that if they want their revolution they need revolutionaries and they come from young congress people. She needs to hammer that big time. And if she does a good job of selling that she could well turn the house around in the midterms and it may give her 8 years.

Lots of work to do. I’m 62 and I am hopeful. It may not be me, doing the change, but I am not going piss on the dreams and hopes of someone’s future by complaining about the crap my generation has put American politics through.

Some of “My Generation” died when they got old, even if they didn’t physically die. They died on this country by becoming selfish yuppie consumers that didn’t do anything for the future as they were too busy getting theirs.

My take anyway. And Trump is the epitome of the yuppie of my generation and the people that back him are all products of that thinking. There are and should be a lot of people learning about the thinking that created the current Republican party and Trump is a pure reflection of it.

I’m going to hope for the change that will come by the need for it.