
Video: Anti-Mosque Mob Turns On Black Union Carpenter

swamprat8/22/2010 7:43:25 pm PDT

re: #603 JasonA

Thanks muchly. I truly appreciate that. It seems that to even admit that the one percent of a conflict is justified, even though the other side uses that one percent to try violate every thing America stands for…

People here are so zealous for right, they fail to admit the assholes use a small bit of truth to try to justify their agenda of wrong.

The 98 year old widowed grandmother is told that same people who caused her sons’ death want to build a sneering monument to his destruction. She goes to protest with only this misconception.
Her right to be offended, even if mis-informed, is used by the worst of people.
And they don’t care if it is wrong, because they are angry and afraid.
And worse, are the people using the situation to try to gain power.