
AP: NSA Improperly Collected an Incredibly Tiny Number of Emails

triple8/21/2013 3:56:41 pm PDT

re: #624 jamesfirecat

Wouldn’t it be easier to just prove us wrong about talking about what being a socialist means to you and how you for see as he best wayntonreform this broken govenrment?


Here’s how to fix: Stop doing evil. Stop prosecuting those who call you on it. Stop doing evil because “terrorism”. That’s called “letting the terrorists win.”

Stop making me feel like I’m living in a bad spy novel.

Stop making alex jones right. He’s a douchebag and doesn’t deserve to be.

Here are some things I think should happen but won’t.

-Religion no longer is influential.
-Money gets out of politics.
-Term limits.
-We stop gerrymandering.
-We stop voting rights abuses. By forcing ID, we disenfranchise more than we gain from fraud. Voting is a chore, no one does it twice for fun.
-Legalize drugs. I’ve never smoked in my life, but does anyone think prison is the answer? Rehab, people. AA. There are ways to fix this without minimum sentences for nonviolent offenders.
-Free health care. I have it in MA. It’s pretty awesome. Canadians seem to like it.
-Metric system