
Glenn Beck Does the Rockefeller Boogie

Mad Prophet Ludwig9/02/2009 9:36:03 pm PDT

re: #637 Van Helsing

Some papers on climate modelling (via Chaos Manor)
CO2 forcing

Models vs real world data

Do you have to do this to me when I was in such a good mood..

Both of these are rather technical papers talking about technical details. Do not let the first paper make you think that the maximum that they are referring to in one part of the world in 1998 means that the Earth has suddenly started cooling or that the overall trend has gone away.

Look at the data.

I also disagree with a lot of what this paper has to say, but I am hoping that a glance at the NOAA data will convince you that what you think this means is not what this means.

As to the second paper, it is complaining about specific models fine scale resolution of certain weather patterns not global long term trends.

You need to be very careful about cherrypicking stuff like this.