
Overnight Open Thread

Spare O'Lake6/04/2010 8:49:22 am PDT

re: #596 Obdicut

That statement accuses the United States of ‘buy[ing] Israeli blood’. That is such a goddamn odious thing to say I have no clue what you’re thinking. You seriously think US aid to Israel is a bribe to let Israeli’s die so that weapons can reach Gaza?

Furthermore, the US is the best ally in the world of Israel. Israel deserves more, and better allies, it deserves in some ways better treatment by the US— but the loudest voices speaking on behalf of Israel are from the US, like Rep. Weiner’s.

I was responding (albeit sarcastically) to the suggestion that $2.5B in US aid to Israel gives the administration the right to dictate to Israel that their blockade of Gaza is not “sustainable” and that the free flow of goods to Gaza is required. Of course such a one-sided statement from the Secretary of State purposefully ignores the fact that the direct consequence of her dictat will be to allow more missiles into Gaza with consequent loss of Israeli lives.

As you know Rep. Weiner is not a member of the administration, and thank God that Congress still appears to be staunchly pro-Israel.