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Mad Prophet Ludwig5/03/2010 7:51:59 pm PDT

re: #617

Are people stupid or what?

Yes they are.

It has happened more than once. Here is the case study:

So it was kinda a wacky fun day at the med surge area yesterday…and there was this article in our newspaper about a man who put in like 12 long nails by nail gun in his head…then later on (like weeks) came into an ER with complaints of constant head ache. Go figure that ER got a great x-ray! LOL!

So we were talking to the docs around the nurses desk and they were being kinda silly and brining up the oddest things they have seen in patients…and it was amazing and funny!!!!!

One doc said during his ER rotation a man was very drunk and his buddies bet he couldn’t put a big old Japanese Glass float (the green glass orbs you can find at the beach) up his rectum. Now this wasn’t the small ones..this was one that was three times that size…a little smaller than a bowling ball! Guess it took him 4 hours and he did it! Well…okay now how does one remove that once it is stuck in the pelvis??? UHGGGGGG.

SO it took a team of 5 docs to think about it…and it was decided after many different ideas…the float must be broken up and removed very carefully. It was done with little damage to the area! Good job docs!

Then that same doc asked us nurses “what is the most popular item found up a rectum”…we guessed some items and we were all wrong…He told us it was shot glasses!?!?!? He said that even this hospital has a protocol for the removal! OMGosh!!!! Guess they use plaster to fill the glass, insert a long probe into the plaster..wait for it to solidify..and lube, patience, and lots of pain meds it can be pulled out!

Another doc talked about a man who ate poker chips and was all filled up and blocked, and was wondering why he had such bad constipation! That was a good surgery there!