
Obama Lifts Ban on Funding for Embryonic Stem Cell Research

Teh Flowah3/09/2009 1:04:13 pm PDT

re: #633 NukeAtomrod

On purely biological grounds, it is a scientific fact that a naturally created human embryo becomes a human baby within 9 months, excepting abortion and miscarriage. Some of us don’t need a religion to decide whether or not destroying a developing baby is immoral. The First Amendment is secure.

Ok, but X becoming Y in 9 months time doesn’t equate X with Y. Surely anyone basing their opinions off of science and not religion can understand that.

You can call it immoral all you want, you’re right I can’t stop you. But don’t lie to yourself. You’re not objecting because of science, you’re objecting because of religious convictions that you hold.