
And Now for a Baby Sumatran Orangutan

revobob7/03/2009 7:20:38 am PDT

re: #630 realwest

Uh, y’all do realize that down this way we refer to sushi as “bait”!
I mean, isn’t there some danger to eating raw fish!

Thre: #634 realwest

Oh, well in that case kindly disregard my #631 - I thought y’all meant bbq as in MEAT over an open fire!

ere can be- that’s why ‘real’ sushi chefs are pretty well paid- years of training to learn what is safe, how to avoid contamination, and like that. The seafoods used have to be as fresh as possible- any hint of less and it DOES taste like bait. (There should probably be a Rocky Mountain oyster line in here somewhere, but I don’t have the balls for it this morning.) And have you ever done the common hunting ritual of eating deer or mountain sheep liver raw as you field dress the critter?