
Virginia Governor McDonnell Declares April 'Confederate History Month'

windsagio4/06/2010 5:51:47 pm PDT

re: #623 Aceofwhat?

If I”m allowed to carry on some, one of the things I was shown was the debasement and cluelessness of the Southern upperclass, to whit:

And it was thought ominous afterwards, when the story was repeated, that, as Mrs. Davis, who had a Virginia Negro for coachman, was driven to the inauguration, she observed the carriage went at a snail’s pace and was escorted by four Negro men in black clothes, wearing white cotton gloves and walking solemnly, two on either side of the equipage; she asked the coachman what such a spectacle could mean, and was answered, “Well, ma’am, you tole me to arrange everything as it should be, and this is the we way we do in Richmon’ at funerals and sich-like.” Mrs. Davis promptly ordered the outwalkers away, and with them departed all the pomp and cirumstance the occasion admitted of.

In the mind of a negro, everything of dignified ceremonial is always associated with a funeral!

(emphasis mine)

I love that story because she had no freaking idea that they were mocking her.