
Gingrich Blows the Dog Whistle Loud and Clear

Jadespring4/09/2010 9:39:38 am PDT

re: #625 HappyWarrior

The first I heard of the teabaggers they were urging people to “tea bag your Congressman.” Agree with SFZ’s analogy that if the left had a stupid phrase I’d equally mock. I do remember mocking Code Pink and the other far left groups when they acted like fools.

Yes that was where it really got started or at least where I saw it. When the tea parties were first announced and websites started going up that were promoting the protest and the whole send a tea bag to your congress or the dumping of tea bags at various places the forums where the peeps congregated made references to “teabagging.” I remember quite clearly reading the discussions because I could not stop laughing at it. I’d say the self references lasted for around 2 weeks before the word got around about the other meaning of teabagging and people clued in to what the outright mocking and sometimes veiled, tongue in cheek snickers both in and out of media were all about.

It even made it onto a few signs, like the infamous “I’m teabagging for Jesus” sign that some poor older woman waved on a roadside.