
Overnight Open Thread

albusteve7/07/2010 11:13:46 am PDT

re: #638 Fozzie Bear

Well, this may be true, but it’s a hell of a thing that has happened in central PA, and of course, nobody is really being held responsible. It’s not like anybody has come forward and offered to truck in water for the families there. They just have to deal with it.

Externalities, and so on.

Yes, I realize tobacco kills far more people, but… it kills people who choose to take the risk. In opting to stop taking that risk, I am in some kind of weird biochemical nightmare where I literally feel like screaming at random people at random times. And honestly, I really am a mellow guy, I swear.

How long does the batshit phase of withdrawl last? A week? A month?

2-3 weeks….it’s a grind
you have my sympathies
(should have been a heroin junkie instead!)

I found I had to change my routine in many ways….no more booze, an immediate walk after dinner, absolutely not hang out with other smokers, use a different party store…all that helped me