
Video: Skeptic vs. Creationist

Dave AAA2/28/2009 1:51:31 pm PST

re: #643 Salamantis

The point is that allowing the innocent to suffer is unjust in and of itself, no matter what follows. Supposedly those eternal souls were in Heaven before being sent to earth,

We’ll have to disagree on the first part. As for the second, That doesn’t sound like any Christian theology I’ve seen.

In fact, the whole idea of free will is theologically suspect in the context of an omniscient and omnipotent God who would have to have known and willed what everyone would and would not do in their lives and where they would go when they died

Just because He can, doesn’t mean He has to.

re: #644 Salamantis

If one’s sins, however many and heinous they may be, can be forgiven in one’s final moments, why stop sinning until those final moments arrive?

Right. That’d be sincere. God would never see through that scam.