
An Open Letter to the Republican Party

ladycatnip5/05/2009 6:11:49 pm PDT

#640 ShangheiEd

Leaving justice to religious leaders of any stripe is an invitation to #633 ladycatnip

#626 Simply Me

Don’t be embarrassed - I think this issue is being driven by the wrong folks and does NOT represent the majority of Republicans at all. I’ve been in the GOP for the better part of 40 years and it has never been an issue - ever. Whoever these ID people are, I distrust them; I distrust their motives and their politics. The very fact that creationism is now an epithet is beyond my comprehension! It makes me angry.

You get a hearty “amen” from this lizard. If any religion begins to dictate justice and not our laws and Constitution, then we’re ripe for sharia.