
Overnight Open Thread

Irish Rose3/29/2009 7:19:34 am PDT

re: #618 VioletTiger

{Irish} Hang in there. They will find something that works for you. Are you taking anything for allergies? That is what really kicks things up for me. I will no longer be able to have a real Christmas tree because I go bonkers with the mold spores.

Allergies, yeah… I started developing those in earnest a couple of years before the asthma started.

I have an elderly cat and dog, and nobody else is willing to take care of them for me so I struggle with animal dander. Dust in the air will also trigger an attack, and so will heavy fragrances.

I also have a problem with Christmas trees, I thought it might be something in the sap but maybe its’ mold.

My doc did a case history and I was astonished when I realized that I’ve had mild symptoms of asthma nearly all of my adult life and just never realized what it was.