
And Now Governor Jindal, Thread 2

Afrocity2/24/2009 8:21:24 pm PST

re: #604 Stonemason

I had to get them both in here, because I think you are both right. The way to appeal to a larger audience though is to point out how all the ‘groups’ are actually Americans with like needs. The trick is to stand up and address them all with honesty and tell each group that is exactly what is being done.
Look at women, talk to women, and explain how women can benefit from a policy that also benefits, say, scientists, or, Christians, or, Health Nuts. Bring people together not with promises but with honesty.
It can be done. Who has the guts to do it?

Obama is just a man.
No man is unbeatable
You just have to find a man or Woman that the people like more.

Jindal went down like a bad burrito tonight.
Go to plan B
Stop sounding like quitters
Stop overly self criticizing
and also sometimes you have to reevaluate and follow the times and look at the reality of your constituency.