
Overnight Ocean

winemaker11/30/2009 12:14:24 pm PST

re: #642 Thanos

In light of the emails wherein the Anglians discuss - openly - deleting emails and the possible ways to avoid FOI requests, I think you are underweighting the possibility that the data was not saved, deliberately to slow or frustrate researchers, amateurs, laymen, deniers and anyone else, from easy access to the data.

I have no idea, I’m pointing out that you are way too confident given the known facts at this early point.

Look, the average guy (me) senses that the voters are going to toss out a lot of newly-elected Democrats in the House, and that as a POLITICAL matter (as opposed to a science matter), the pro-copenhagen activists think this treaty must be passed immediately or that there will not be an political opportunity to do so, in the medium-term future. Fine, that is a political thing; I’m an average guy and I can smell when politics is driving what is supposed to be a science debate.

The irony of the anti-scientific-method, pro-treaty-now arguments being advanced on this otherwise excellent pro-science, anti-foofah blog, is not lost on me. I hope it is just the politics of the moment, and not some sign that modern science has irreparably jumped into intellectual corruption that seems to have infested so much of the rest of the world.

Winemaker out.