
Facts Not a Stumbling Block for Malkin

jaunte12/16/2009 7:59:17 pm PST

re: #633 Killgore Trout

Ever wonder why so many right wing books make the best sellers list? Right wing front groups buy all the books and then give them away. You can walk into a bookstore and pay $40 for Palin’s new book or just pick up a free one.

But there’s a catch:

Still, if you can’t trust Newsmax, what can you believe? The late Ronald Kessler works there, and he broke the Reverend Wright story and got every single fact wrong except the words “Chicago” and “church.” So I clicked.

And yes, you really can get Sarah Palin’s new book, and just pay shipping!

Except it’s an old book, it’s not by Sarah Palin, you’ll pay three times the cost of shipping, and you’ll have to subscribe to Newsmax magazine.