
Some Christians Angry at Obama's 'Nonbelievers' Statement

Proud to be an Infidel1/26/2009 4:16:49 am PST

re: #456 avanti

You should not and can not be persecuted, the constitution protects you. What private, non government sanctioned expression of your religion is being persecuted exactly ?

Not me personally BUT there have been attempts by atheist groups to stifle religious EXPRESSION. In 2004, Michael Newdow tried suing President Bush for mentioning God in his inaugural address. Fortunately, the Supreme Court threw out the lawsuit citing a President’s right to free speech. They’ve also tried deeming roadside crosses as unconsitutional which were placed by the loved ones of people killed in car accidents. Once again they failed. So there have been attempts by atheists to stifle even private, nongovernment sanctioned religious expression. With the wrong judges in place (or right in their case), they will keep at it until they start winning some of these cases.