
Video: Skeptic vs. Creationist

jdog293/01/2009 4:48:04 am PST

No questions are forbidden by God. Actually God defends Job’s questions about God being unjust and condemns Job’s friends for telling Job he shouldn’t talk like that or God will “get” him. Job 42.7

God also does not answer ANY of Job’s questions, but instead asks Job many questions to which Job has no answers. “Who has a claim against me that I must pay? Everything under heaven belongs to me.” Job 41.11

I don’t understand why things have to be the way they are either. When you ask why the need for so many to be condemned to eternal torment, that is a perfectly legitimate question. I don’t have the answer. I have answered it in my own mind, but you raise another legitimate point in that my answer might not be or is not good enough for you and you are right, it’s not.

And what post would be complete without a reference to “Bruce Almighty” Jim Carey’s character asks God, Morgan Freeman, “How can you get someone to love you without forcing them?” Morgan Freeman says as God, “Now THAT’S a great question.” …and then does not answer it.

God did not want another tree when He created you. He wanted a being who could choose to love or not to love, God wanted Salamantis in everything you are, with all your questions, gave you all your abilities TO question, knows the motives behind your thoughts (1 Chron. 28.9) and loves you so much He sent His only begotten Son to die on the cross to pay for ANY of your shortcomings. When God agrees to pay with Himself, I believe that is the ultimate act of love and owning up.

When you get to right hand of God and are creating new universes with your spoken word, show Him how it’s done. I can’t wait to give it my shot, seriously. Again, I realize I am a fool for having such thoughts and ambitions.