
Heritage Immigration Study Co-Author Penned Articles for White Nationalist Website

darthstar5/09/2013 3:15:26 pm PDT

So we have this new guy whose job is basically to organize developer stand-ups and planning sessions (a “scrum master”…hunt me down and shoot me if you ever hear of me saying I want such a position)…anyway, he IMs me to say he’s got nothing left to do for the rest of the day, and I say, “Go home. Say you’ve got personal shit to do and go…you don’t get paid by the hour.” Took him another twenty minutes to work up the nerve to go to the boss and do just that.

Seriously…some people. Just do good work and reclaim an hour here or there where you can. Staying until the magic number of 5:00pm for the sake of being there isn’t doing anyone any favors.

I should be a life coach or team mentor…wait! I didn’t meant that!