
"Josie" Story of Brown Shooting Lifted From Fake Facebook Page - See Updated Timeline Below

Ace-o-aces8/23/2014 3:29:11 pm PDT

re: #53 BeachDem

Looking at all the dates/cached posts, I think the headline has it backwards, and the fake Wilson facebook page was lifted from the Josie transcript:

7/15 Jill Meadows posts a story on Josie Meadows’ facebook page at 7:29 am
7/15 Josie goes on Dana’s show to spew
7/17 the fake Darren Wilson post goes up

So Josie was just recounting a different Facebook post than I originally thought. Still means that the media is treating Josie’s (at best) third hand account of the shooting as equal to actual witnesses.

And notice Jill Meadows never says where she got her info. Just a cryptic “I believe in my heart for it to be factually true because I know someone very well who was there.”