
Scots voting no to independence would be an astonishing act of self-harm

Backwoods Sleuth9/03/2014 3:24:14 pm PDT

re: #61 The War TARDIS

While I am at work, I do think Scotland is hosed either way.

If they stay, Welfare gets cut. Go, and funding for many things dry up, including universities. The oil is only going to last for another 15 to 20 years. So, what will the economy be based on?

And for all of their vaunted tolerance, the pro independence people seem to have no issues using intimation, and being generally mean people like Aye’Pod. Yes, mock the thing that got me out of depression, that won’t anger me at all.

Again, you just broad brush without having any real knowledge other than what you have possibly read somewhere, and then just let your outrage spring forth.
Have you ever been to Scotland, spent time there? Do you actually KNOW anyone who lives there?
I have spent considerable time over the years in both England and Scotland (and also, in a shorter bit, in Wales), and I’m here to tell you that life for real people is not all simplistic ideological compartments.

And just stop with the depression stuff and lashing out at people about it when it suits your fancy. You aren’t the only one who ever suffered from depression (and yes, I would also be one who has dealt with depression for more years than either you or even your parents have been alive). Aye Pod did NOT “mock you” over your favorite TV show, and for you to say so is disingenuous and, to be honest, quite insulting.