
Far Right Takes Charge of the GOP: Trump and Carson Now Lead the Field, Jeb Bush Support Plummets

LeftyRambles2413 (HappyWarrior)10/20/2015 10:49:33 am PDT

re: #62 lawhawk

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Chucky, Star Trek expert, opines about George Lucas.

Showing his cluelessness about both. Lucas wrote SW. Roddenberry was behind ST. That’s worse than crossing the streams. Any nerd would know the difference between the two.

Hate to break it to Chucky, but many in the original SW were from the UK - since it was filmed in the UK. Extras were often from the UK. Cushing, Prowse, Daniels, Guiness, and Mayhew were all from the UK. So too is Ian McDiarmid.

So, while the story originated in George Lucas’ mind, it was populated with actors/characters from all over. And Lucas took cues from everywhere - Kurosawa for some stuff, Eastern religions for others, etc. Hardly American ideas - but he translated and reconfigured all of it into its own unique movie world (which occurs in a galaxy far far away).

Frankly, it’s his movie, he can do whatever he wants with it. He could make the cast all LGBT and it would be the same point. It’s his creation not these obnoxious nerds who can’t stand reality. And you’re right. Star Wars has tons of Eastern influence to begin with. And frankly as a white suburbite but non Star WArs fan, I don’t care about race, I care about interesting characters.