
Trump Wants to Destroy the Postal Service. John Oliver Explains Why This Is Nuts. [VIDEO]

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷5/11/2020 11:51:18 am PDT

re: #63 sagehen

They might allow it, on the grounds that

1) they could charge a fuckload of money ($500B/year for 20 years); and
2) without Cali’s EV, no Democrat would ever be elected president of the remaining US.

And we poor liberals in the middle of the country would be left to fend for ourselves. That’s okay, we’ll die for California liberty.

I recall reading somewhere about someone once saying we shall all hang together, or we’ll surely all hang separately.

Wingnuts would love to invade California, and that would give them the opportunity. As I recall, California does not have an army or militia, but they have a fuquetonne of conservatives within their borders. If California seceded, it would be torn apart from within.