
Seth Meyers: Republicans Try to Dismiss Trump's Second Impeachment Trial

Yeah Sure WhatEVs1/27/2021 10:42:01 pm PST

re: #64 Targetpractice

Yeah, what I’m seeing over at Fark seems to confirm a running hypothesis that what’s driving the hedge fund crowd nuts about all this is that the tactics are nothing new, it’s that the people who are preparing to burn them to the ground are doing for the lulz. And that such motivation pretty much defangs a lot of the usual tactics they might use to put a stop to such, like getting the SEC to look into the whole thing as a “pump and dump” scheme or trying to get the NYSC to put a temporary hold on trade of GS stock while an investigation is conducted.

It doesn’t strike me as being done for the lulz. People are pissed at the hedge funds trying to kill a business they value.

And that includes some big fish like Elon Musk because those big fishies also hate hedge funds because they fuck with businesses, including the ones the fishies own.