
A Tour De Force From Laura Marling: "Strange" (fka "The Simple Life") - Guild Guitars Session

lawhawk1/02/2024 5:20:34 am PST

Greets and saluts from the NYC metro area. Was out and about with the li’l one and the Mrs., and have returned to the regular order of things. Trump continues to bray about all the cases against him, all while the caselaw continues to close in on him and he loses every time he files actions - even when he wins, he’s losing.

Not that Trump cares about facts or such, he’s just inciting his base to violence, and the violence he’s hoping will install him in power, even though he is clearly someone who is disqualified from running for the White House due to being an insurrectionist.

If he wants to get on the ballot, he needs Congress to vote to allow him to be qualified - that’s the plain language of the 14A. That’s part of the Constitution, and there’s no need for a criminal conviction, or an impeachment/removal to be disqualified - the language of the 14A is there and all the fucking originalists/textualists right wing extremists who crave to use the literal language and the wording and context of the original wording of the 14A and all the debate about said enactment and ratification of the 14A would clearly disqualify Trump for any elected office on its face.

Trump doesn’t care, so he’s claiming that he is not bound by anything to do whatever he wants from his time in office, and wants the SCOTUS to ratify this deranged belief.

Here’s the thing - if this ruling favors Trump and he’s above the law, then so too is Biden, and Biden can simply ignore the SCOTUS, imprison and hold the GOP seditious treasonweasels accountable on the face, without any consequences, even as GOPers will always position themselves as IOKIYAR.