
Video: Ari Melber on Michael Cohen's Testimony: "Two of the Worst Days for Donald Trump"

Khal Wimpo (free internal organs upon request!)5/14/2024 12:52:44 pm PDT

A personal note:

Mrs. Wimpo was atop a stepladder, futzing around with a plant on a high shelf, tried to step down with the potted plant in her hands, and …

… missed the step.

Fractured the femur right at the “neck” (apparently an anatomical term of art) and required surgery to stick in a metal plate & some screws. I’ve been told that “at least it wasn’t a spiral fracture,” but damn, I know the femur is basically the biggest/strongest bone in the damn body.

So if anyone has any tips or tricks to make the rehab process easier, well, all would be much appreciated at this juncture, eh?