
The Door Opens - Update: The Door Closes

jandz10/08/2009 1:22:55 pm PDT

re: #2 Sharmuta

Hi LGF. I registered here a while back but I seldom have much time for commenting. As it’s a new registrant thread (and I clearly missed posting in the one made when I joined) I thought I might take this chance to say introduce myself.

To say how I found LGF - I can’t recall the exact place anymore to be honest. I know I got linked here by someone that was mad about something Charles said. I also recall them stating that the blog was “anti-Islamic” and “crazy right wing” or some such nonsense. I’ve not really seen any of that here. I’m not terribly interested in anyone’s political leanings anyway. I stayed and eventually registered because I genuinely enjoy reading the content and opinions posted here. I don’t agree with everything but most commenters here seem to have the capability of rational discussion.

That said, it’s nice to meet you all and I hope to take a more active role in threads moving forward.
