
Anti-Islam Bigots Are Putting US Troops in Danger

Gus9/06/2010 3:17:04 pm PDT

Here come the crazy comments at Fox News:

Agree with it or not, this is still the land of the free. This is typical Islamic hypocrisy and I see that many have no problem letting foreigners dictating our behavior and policies. Freedom of choice is what our troops represent, not caving into threats from a radical and hypocritical religious group. And for “ryrynak”, yours is the most ignorant of all the comments. For “seminarystudent”, I hope you are faultless in your daily routine as far as WWJD. Lastly, “chugach”, you are a simple placater who has a very narrow historical perspective; Nevil Chamberlain would be proud of you.


Petraeus is where he is because he walk’s Obama’s line. Let the Koran’s be burned and tell our troops to keep their weapons on full auto. The Nation of Islam will only be content when they control the world. Why we keep on insisting that we don’t mistrust the muslims but rather just the radicals is BS. Our conflict with them will never cease… just like the conflicts in the middle east never cease.