
US Warns Hundreds of People Named in Wikileaks Cables

Walter L. Newton1/07/2011 6:45:00 am PST

re: #62 Walter L. Newton

Honestly… it’s a mess. Let’s see if I can explain this. Both the girls are over 18, out of high school. But when they moved up here 9 years ago, they didn’t have any TV reception. So, they basically grew up on the internet. And their conversations are like hyperlinks… they can stop mid-sentence and change the subject, or in the least, mention some peripheral subject, and I sit their constantly asking them to rewind and clarify.

And if they are not changing the subject mid-stream, they will open their yaps in the middle of a thought, and expect me to know what they hell they were thinking before they opened their mouth.

Plus, they are all fanatics for Harry Potter fans, anime, Tolkien, South Park, troupes and memes, at a micro level. Yea, I generally have some idea what they are talking about, but I’m lost on the details.

The younger girls is a John Merrick, Phantom of the Opera, South Park and Batmans Joker fan, and some of her thought processes gets downright scary.

About once or twice a month, I shut them all up by reading one of my short one act plays at the dinner table.

My dinner table is like theatre of the absurd.

P.S. We had homemade Miso last night. I didn’t even know what Miso was… I still don’t… it was alright… kinda of chewy… I hope that was all vegetable matter in that bowl.