
Open Mic Night: Obama to GOP: 'You Think We're Stupid?'

Obdicut (Now with 2% less brain)4/15/2011 11:10:16 am PDT

re: #60 lawhawk

Claiming that tax cuts equal spending is conflating terms and muddying the waters.

Not really. From the point of view of increasing the deficit, they’re exactly the same.

You go based on what the revenues are, not the other way around. That Congress and the GOP continued spending at the same levels as they did prior to the cuts puts them in the wrong on a fiscal responsibility standpoint, but the President once again shows that he’s more interested in taxing than controlling spending.

You think Obama is interested in taxing for taxing’s sake or something?

And no, you shouldn’t construct a budget based on revenues. You should determine what spending should be, in order to provide for the challenges facing us, and you raise the revenue to support that. The key part, of course, is constraining what spending should be to actual needs.