
Religious Right Pseudo-Historian Barton: The Founding Fathers Wanted Schools to Teach Creationism

Killgore Trout6/09/2011 10:38:58 am PDT

Wingnuts discover the cause of the obesity epidemic….
Obama Is Making People Fat

“The locals have been driving me nuts and going crazy,” said Harry Dionyssiou, whose family operates six Rudy’s diners. “Everybody wants to sit at the same table, on the same chair that the president sat in; they want to eat the same thing that he ate.”

Since taking office, Obama has made dozens of stops at local eateries, diners, delis and bakeries across the country. Despite first lady Michelle Obama’s “Let’s Move” initiative, which promotes healthful eating, the president is often spotted chowing down on comfort foods like burgers, meaty subs, doughnuts and other sweets during his culinary stops.