
Astounding: FL Lt. Gov. Bashes Science and Evolution, Calls for Christian Theocracy

Sionainn, Warrior Mother9/23/2011 11:09:52 am PDT

re: #41 chunkymonkey

Not the most eloquent speech of all time, but I didn’t see an explicit call for a religious government. I also understand the Christian push-back against evolution. Most people, Christian or otherwise, are not scientists and do not understand the science of evolution, nor its implications. While evolution says nothing about the existence of God, you have idiots like Provine saying outright that evolution proves there is no God. A proof that is impossible to demonstrate.

So naturally, you have non-scientific persons being told this by a scientist, and what are they to do? Choose between Provine and their faith? If one is not capable of judging an argument on its merits, and a scientist with his big noggin who is supposed to understand these things says evolution negates the existence of God, a person who believes in God has one of two choices: reject God or reject science.

So scientists like Provine do the world a tremendous disservice when they espouse this sort of irrational baloney.

In other words, the majority of people in this country are idiots?