
Libya: US Ambassador, Three Consulate Staff Members Reportedly Killed in Embassy Riot

Destro9/12/2012 7:41:01 am PDT

re: #63 Archangelus

Firstly, graduated beyond US borders from one of the world’s top 100 rated universities, but my, what a lovely attempt at deflection, and with an implied insult to boot. However, I wasn’t the one tossing the 100% figure, and that isn’t the point. Islam represents the majority religion (by far, in comparison to the 10% Christians and the 2% others) in a country ruled by a de facto dictatorship (where the actual leadership was handed down from mass-murdering father to mass-murdering son). The minorities have no genuine power worth speaking of, no matter how much you may believe otherwise, and no matter how much you might try to portray it otherwise.

I was not insulting you I insulted the math of the person who made the claim that Syria was 100% virtually Muslim.